Brunel came home for the weekend and on Sunday we went to ‘Deep Sea World’ in Edinburgh to see all the amazing sea creatures. Brunel came with us and he was able to touch a starfish and a crab – he was very brave. Brunel saw sting rays, sharks, poisonous red eyed frogs and catfish. After we saw the sharks, we went to the cafe to get some fish and chips. Brunel liked the ketchup most of all. For pudding, Brunel ate some chocolate and ice-cream with strawberry sauce!
After lunch we went to see the eels. Then Brunel got his face painted. The man painted a dolphin on the side of his cheek and it looked sweet. I took two photos of Brunel.
Do not worry about the first one! The shark is stuffed and he cannot harm little Brunel.
The second one is of Brunel sitting beside the angel fish.
At the end of the afternoon we all went home and we had burgers and chips for tea! It was a great day and Brunel had lots of fun!
Mariam L3H
Gosh that shark looked frightening. Brunel must be very brave to go inside the shark's mouth - rather him than me.
Mrs Tonner
Mariam's dad popped Brunel into the shark's mouth. Just as well it was stuffed!
Rory and Mariam L3H
Brunel had a lovely time with Mariam and now it is Iain's turn to take him home. We wonder how Nessina is getting on? We heard that she went to Lazar Quest and we hope she had fun.
Jack and Catriona
I wonder what Iain is going to do with Brunel this week. I know Iain is a keen gardner so Brunel might be digging. I wonder Nessina is up to? I hope she learning about England.
Campbell L3H
that sounds like brunel hade a great time. What kind of sauce did Brunel have on his chips? It was a bit of a shock to see Brunel in the mouth of the shark.
Brunel had strawberry sauce with his ice cream. Don't panic about the shark it is definitely stuffed! What's Nessina up to?
Euan L3H
it sounds like brunel liked the strawderry ice cream and nessina has been learning money problems and she has been watching us working on the tables.
Does she know all the 1's, 2's 3's 4's 5's 6's 7's 8's 9's AND 10 times tables? If she does she must have a master brain because our class and the other class (L3C) havn't learnt our 6's 7's 8's and 9's"!!!
Mariam L3H
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