Tuesday, February 13, 2007

What Is The Weather Like In Dundee?

The WeatherPixie
The weather has been cold and damp in Dundee. When it snowed it was not 'real' snow as it did not stay on the ground so Mrs Tonner and Miss Hulbert could go sledging. Find out what the weather is like each day in Dundee by clicking on the comments just below this post.


Anonymous said...

Today the weather started bright and clear but it was still cold. Mrs Tonner

Anonymous said...

22nd February

Today it is very wet and quite windy. However, it is not cold but infact rather mild for this time of year. We haven't had a hard frost for a long time and we are wondering if winter is over!

Anonymous said...

23rd February

The weather today is damp and wet. I think it will stay damp all day. It has been raining heavily already. I hope this means that spring is here.

Rebecca L3H

Anonymous said...

How exciting to find out about the weather in South Gloucestshire!Although it is quite warm here in Dundee there are no daffodils but we do have crocuses instead. Today it is sunny and quite mild and I hope it stays like this all day.

Catriona L3H

Anonymous said...

Hello Catriona and L3H

It is nice to hear the weather was good today as it was lovely down in Folkestone where the views over The White Cliffs of Dover were stunning.

Will see you all when I come back.

Mrs Tonner

Anonymous said...

This morning it was snowing and some people were late into school. Now now it as all melted and we are all sad.

Muhammed l3H

Anonymous said...

Today it is quite dry and sunny but very cold. It's windy too, Miss Hulbert doesn't like the wind or rain. I sort of like the rain, but I don't really like the wind either. Crocuses are popping up everywhere.

Annie L3H

Anonymous said...

Today it is sunny and dry. I think there could be some snow tonight because it is cold. If there is, I will be sledging. Miss Hulbert likes the sun and so do I. I am looking forward to the exchange and our mystery parcel.

Jack L3H

Anonymous said...

It's a nice day here but very, very cold . It's funny because the sun's out but it's not warm at all. We all hope you can get onto the internet soon.

Angharad L3H

Anonymous said...

We are now abel to use the program again.we have had some sun and rain.

Anonymous said...

Today in Dundee it is sunny but also cold. We can see daffodils too, they are just about to open in our gardens. In Dundee there has not been much snow at all this year. It has been very mild this winter.

Hamish and Mariam L3H

Anonymous said...

Although it is very bright and sunny it has been freezing cold. We made daffodils for our wall dispay today.


Anonymous said...

In Dundee it is very sunny and warm, no clouds at all. Brunel is getting very hot sitting in the sunshine!

Iain L3H

Anonymous said...

We're glad your weather is nice and sunny. We hope it stays as it is for the weekend. I'm going to a party tomorrow at Laser Quest. On Sunday I'm staying at home.

Joe, Y4